Sue With Deer

Sue With Deer
"As the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants after You."

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Conversation with the Lord

Today's devotion is a little different.  Thank you for allowing me to take this liberty of a conversation with the Lord:

 “Good morning, Lord.  Sometimes I feel like such a “doofhead.”

Lord:  (Chuckle) “What’s a doofhead?”

“Oh dear Lord, you know what I mean.  But I’ll explain it anyway.  Sometimes I don’t know how to get out of my mouth what I really, truly think I understand about the glorious Gospel and what it means to have You living in us.”

Lord:  “Tell me then what you think you understand.”

“Okay.  First, I believe I see in the Word of God and what I believe Your Spirit has taught me (finally) is that Your cross, Your precious blood and broken body has made the “forever” way to have eternal peace with God.  That’s it is all grace through faith in Your finished work.  I am born again – born of you by having believed that You did all this.  It sure wasn’t because I did ANY works good or bad (which I did plenty of bad!).”

Lord: “So far that’s the Truth – that’s Me. Go ahead and continue.”

“So then, when I believed the Gospel YOU moved in my heart.  And that I can’t be any better off than Your having done this.  That you are forever in my heart (You won’t leave or forsake me).  And now YOU are the LIFE expert.  I am a new creature.  Another way I’ve learned to say it, Lord is right from Your Scriptures (Your letter to us) – that I was in the old creation, Adam and that YOU by the Holy Spirit – the washing of regeneration (Titus) put us into the NEW MAN – You’re that MAN!  We’re in the New Creation – and have been TRANSFERRED to your kingdom which is YOU and is LOVE, PEACE, GRACE and all the marvelous things You are.”

Lord:  “Can’t argue with that!  Sounds like you understand so far.  Is there a problem?”

“Well, I know through my life I’ve heard different teachings and things.  Sometimes I just flat out feel like I missed the pure simplicity of it all getting all caught up with performance of my flesh, instead of relying on YOU in me.  Maybe you could elaborate for me.”

Lord:  “Glad to.  Yes, I did come to dwell inside of you because of the work of MY cross.  Yes, you are a child of God.  When I came to live inside of you – I set you free from sin, the world, the flesh, the devil.  That is a fact.  And I AM the LIFE expert living inside of you.  I AM LIFE, PEACE, FRUIT in you.  And I CAN live in and through YOU ALL the time.  All flesh is corrupt anyway without Me/MY LIFE in them – remember Galatians 5?  If you look in My Word, you see I have the word for all flesh:  DEAD!  But MY Spirit is in you.  I came to live in JARS of CLAY and gave you life, so you don't have to be dead or walk corrupt anymore.  For I Myself AM love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness, meekness, faithfulness and the like in you.  If one is dependent on ME, trusting ME, speaking with ME and in My Word, then they will know I AM all the things that one could hope for to walk out a fruitful life on planet Earth.”

“See Lord, that is so simple and so precious – sounds easy to simply look to YOU every day of my life.  Why is it that we don’t live that way?  Why do we have to be so complicated at times or seemingly so? I want to truly share the good news of YOUR Gospel and also encourage the Christian that we do have peace with YOU but also, that YOU living in us are the answer to living every day – our reliance on YOU in us will cause us to be fruitful and do the deeds that YOU say you’ve even prepared beforehand that we can walk in.”

Lord:  “MY understanding is unsearchable.  I know every child of mine and what is going on in their life.  I know what “hangs” them up.  I am always working in all my children both to will and to do of MY good pleasure.  Part of that is truly to teach them I AM there to BE their life, their all – ALL the time!  Many feel and see their flesh/soul which is unpleasant because of minds not filled with Truth.  Unrenewed minds lead to walking like flesh.  But you're not in the flesh (Adam) anymore but in ME!  Believe it!  And I do care whether my children are walking in My Spirit or walk like flesh!  I am there to guide the mind to think upon Me, my Words of Truth and Life.”

“Well Lord, YOUR patience and long-suffering astounds me while we come to understand.  It really does.  Your love, grace and mercy is beyond what I can say in words.  

Lord:  "Just continue to acknowledge MY Presence in you – MY Truth and MY LIFE in you.  I love my children.  I'm glad I live in them.  I am glad they believe MY Gospel, MY Word. You know how it happened – YOU received ME and the work I did to bring you to the Father God through the cross.  MY BLOOD has taken away your sins – I am not holding anything against YOU.  I AM working always to “woo” you to the TRUTH of HOW I really do live and flow in you.  I in you, you in Me.  You have unbroken fellowship with ME, because I am always the ANSWER to keeping you out of sin’s power, erroneous things, and becoming ensnared by lies which produce walking like flesh of the old!  Remember ALL flesh (not being born again) is corrupt apart from ME – no one has good flesh except in their own estimations.  Yet ALL who are born of me have ME in them and I've taken you out of sin and death and you have been placed into ME - Everlasting Life."

“Thank you, Lord for this conversation.  It’s always good to think and speak of YOUR TRUTH, YOUR Gospel and realize over and over again that we have ETERNAL CLOSENESS with YOU – ETERNAL Forgiveness through YOUR BLOOD – and that YOU are there ETERNALLY.  Strengthen my heart today to walk before YOU in faith, full confidence in your Truth and treat You like You are there, because You are!!”

Sue Gaither

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