Sue With Deer

Sue With Deer
"As the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants after You."

Friday, February 26, 2016

Spirit and Soul

“For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”  Hebrews 4:12

I’ve always liked the mornings (except when I had to get up and go to school.)  After graduation from high school, I found myself in a habit of getting up early in the mornings, sitting on a sofa, opening the Bible, and simply talking to God.

I was doing what I “oughta do” for a long time.  However, during those times whenever I didn’t have “oughta, coulda, shoulda” on the brain, sometimes I’d find myself really talking with God and getting insights.  There were times indeed, when I was just so real with Him, and He with me.

But soon after, that “thing” would take over of how I needed to be a better Christian, I was not obedient enough, or the howling thought that I “should” be doing this or that.  Other howling thoughts too like “that wasn’t good enough,” etc.

It’s like a bully on the playground in elementary school.  Satan is in every generation and how he works is truly the same in every generation.  What better place to start than on the playground at school when you’re young and vulnerable, gathering “data”’ and “information,” about who you are and what others think of you?

How many in the world have been plagued by lies that “stuck” from their youth, never shaking them out of their soul by the powerful and living Word of Truth and Life from Jesus Christ?  Yes, they can be “driven” out just like the giants and the “ites” that were the true enemies of God in the Old Testament.

The enemies of God then and even today is simply religion, flesh, the world and the devil.  Even in the Old Testament it was all about unbelief on Israel’s part – not believing God.  He even tells us in Hebrews 4 that they could not enter God’s rest (at that time the land representing His rest) BECAUSE of unbelief.

God was working a glorious thing with the nation of Israel which is so a type and shadow of the Christian life today that we experience.  God wanted a nation unto Himself.  Today, we are that Holy Nation, a royal priesthood through and only by the grace of God in Jesus Christ.

God wanted them to “follow Him,” cooperate with Him as He Himself through Moses wanted to lead them to a place prepared for them – a land of their own.  Today, we possess no physical land as a body of Christ, BUT we possess Christ the Captain of our Salvation WHO indeed leads us into HIS REST!

One time on that sofa as a youth, I really got a glimpse of what this was all about but honestly didn’t know how I was going to “get there!”  Truth is, I was already IN Christ but my mind and soulish part REALLY needed renewing of the truth found in Him.

I had a mixed bag – former teachings AND also deep wounding from childhood.  I got banged up on the playground and didn’t interpret things right.  So for a long time I DID carry around the nicks and bruises.

The good news is that God’s Spirit in me was “wooing” me on – wooing me to seek Him, to seek Truth, to believe He wanted and could straighten out the “tangled knots” of my own soul.

Not everyone knows people have struggles, because on the outward man we’re working, doing stuff, saying the right things, trying real hard.  But I know for sure God did not call us to be outward in our movements and have no peace inwardly.  He can and does want harmony from our hearts to our heads.  He calls this “life and peace.”

The answer is the Lord Himself – He is able to work out the Truth in us and cause each one to understand fully – to be able to apprehend with all the saints the absolute TRUTH of His Gospel and WHO He is in us and what all He has done for us.

The answer also is reliance on Him to do so.  I’ll say that again and again before I leave this planet.  The peskier I am to know HIM and Truth, the quicker I see that He’s always waiting to reveal those things to my heart.

He’s for us, not against us, but I’m sure that He needs for us to cooperate with HIM and do it all HIS WAY. Without doing it all His way, we’ll fall for religion instead of reality.  For the Lord Himself is the true Reality and our need is for Him.

“Thank you, Lord for the glory of God found only in the face of Jesus Christ.  May we truly cooperate with YOU and allow Your Spirit to lead us into ALL Truth and abiding in YOU.”

Sue Gaither

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