Sue With Deer

Sue With Deer
"As the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants after You."

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Consulting the Lord of Truth

I Corinthians 2:10, 13, 16: “Yet to us God has unveiled and revealed them by and through His Spirit who Himself searches diligently, exploring and examining everything, even sounding the profound and the bottomless things of God (in us!)…we are setting these truths forth in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Holy Spirit, combining and interpreting spiritual truths with spiritual language to those who possess the Holy Spirit…who has known or understood the mind of the Lord so as to guide or instruct HIM?  
But we have His mind dwelling in us.” 

I heard someone use the word “consult” and my ears perked up.  Each day we are consulting something or someone, eh? 

We consult the doctor or a remedy if there’s a bodily ailment, consult a banker if we have a banking problem, consult the internet if we’re looking for information, etc.

But the above Scriptures tell us something forever important.  That when we seek Truth of God’s Word, the Holy Spirit Himself is the one who is teaching, guiding, interpreting and we must indeed consult HIM all the time.

Years ago I heard a true story about a pastor whose children were young at the time.  At Sunday dinner after service, the pastor was talking at the table with his family and his little son piped up and said, “Daddy, is that the truth or are you just preaching?”

Now that is funny coming from a young mind but then there is definitely wisdom behind it – “out of the mouth of babes…”

For the point is that God has truly told us in His Word to test, prove, examine, possess, search, seek, rely until we KNOW all the things God has done through Jesus Christ, His cross, His shed blood, His resurrection, His ascension, His seating – all the things He revealed to the apostles of His finished work and the coming glory.

Of course we are in a lifelong knowing, searching, testing, proving – AND even the Hebrews writer exhorted us NOT to let them slip and neglect SO great a salvation in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Hebrews 2:1,3

So whenever we hear things, sermons, teachings, this or that we have a Person living within whom we consult about all things.

“Well Lord, what about this?  Is that the Truth or they just preaching?”

A little humor of course to make the smashing point.  But indeed there really is a smashing point. 

We are called to examine our minds and hearts and what we believe, how we implement the truth in our lives.  This is a true and personal relationship with the living Christ by His Spirit’s indwelling.

Praise the Lord He wants to reveal, teach, strengthen us all in the absolute TRUTH that ALWAYS sets us free and keeps us abiding in Him.  There is NO Bondage in Christ Himself.

“In this freedom Christ has made us free!  Do not be entangled again in a yoke of slavery!” Galatians 5:1   Praise God we do this by realizing our Life is Christ in us and we live and walk by Him.  And he can teach us.

“So Lord, indeed teach me more deeply, more profoundly what all Your glorious Gospel is, the cross and Your resurrection and Your life in me through and by Your Son, Jesus Christ and Your indwelling Spirit!  Amen.”

Sue Gaither

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