To rehearse the Gospel everyday is a beautiful thing – to
pull out all those pictures of Jesus Christ developed in the heart and mind
over years is a beautiful thing.
We are called to “gaze” at the Lord Jesus Christ. God did not mean for us to do this as a “one
time deal,” but I believe to do this daily.
As we do, we are refreshed in Truth, reminded of the Words of Life that
keep us flowing in His life and glory.
I’ve come to know and understand, “there ain’t nothing else!”
One of the things I have truly observed while here, (and I
did this, and must guard against thinking this way) is that some are still
walking in a way that they think God is not pleased with them. That their current “mess” is because they failed to “do”
something required by God.
Now there is something there that is true, but it’s not
always what we think. Sometimes the
reason truly is, because we have failed to “believe God,” not for something,
but for what He has already done and who we are in Christ Jesus. Sometimes this is the reason alone that our
lives are conducted in our walk in a different manner that should be, BECAUSE
we do not believe we really are what God says.
An example: If I do
believe that God is not pleased with me or that I do not measure up, I’m going
to “try” harder to do things that I “think” or was told would be the “ticket”
to God thinking more highly of me.
One time we had a
guest in our home that truly did not believe they had worth and value, so they
felt it was necessary to do things to help us accept them. Yet as it happened, they did a few things
that turned out to be disasters (really).
For instead of consulting or asking, they presumed and managed a few
Now does that sound familiar? How many times have we managed some things,
presumed that God would be happy if we did this or that, then the mess came.
Praise the Lord, He is the Redeemer, the Friend of Heaven
who I believe understands the process of growing in grace and knowledge of
Him. Part of His job is to truly enable
us to “see” how we do indeed to “see” Him and grow through and by Him in our
hearts and lives.
We are blessed with EVERY spiritual blessing in Christ. Here are some things to remember from His
Holy Word and thereby is the Truth:
Through His work on Calvary and Resurrection,
God has made us 100% percent accepted in His Beloved Son no matter, I mean no
matter what others opinion might be.
This includes where we are in Him, our walk. To believe God will mean a better walk!
The gift of His Spirit in us and the truth of
His Word worked in our understanding is the key to walking daily in joy, love,
hope, and fruitfulness.
We have FREE, I mean FREE access to the Father
God in the Most Holy Place – the Holiest of All by the blood of Jesus, His
Presence, AND the settled FOREVER sacrifice of His body and blood. There is nothing we do EVER that qualifies us
to be in this place through faith – it was and is Jesus Christ alone that
qualified us and continually qualifies us.
He’s not going anywhere!
Therefore, when Paul wrote that by “beholding” His Son in
fellowship with Him AND with the Father by the Spirit of God, we are TRANSFORMED
by the same glory of Jesus through His Spirit of Truth.
Isn’t this beautiful?
How more blessed could we be than to set our faces like a flint upon the
face of Jesus Christ and God’s happiness
with Him. Yes, God is happy. Happy that you and I BELIEVE and RECEIVED His
Son. Happy that His Spirit lives in us
and gives us CONTINUAL HOPE, an EVERLASTING CONSOLATION that though yesterday
was not quite what we hoped to walk out according to these truths, but TODAY we
get to discover again – over and over again, the strength, the power, the
Person of Jesus Christ in us – our ONLY hope of glory!
The Gospel of Jesus Christ blesses me every single day. People may not know my thoughts – they can
only see my outer man and when we get opportunity, things that come out of our
mouths. Until then, to others we may
just look like “regular” folk. Treasure
in hearts has to get the lid open and come out.
You and I have this Treasure in our earthen vessels. The Treasure of Jesus: He is the MOST BEAUTIFUL JEWEL in the
universe. And He is yours and you are
Here’s to setting our eyes on Him,
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