One time I was asked to do kind of a prestigious task. There was a famous person, who had written a
book and he was coming to a bookstore in our city for a promotional book
signing. I am friends with (who at the
time was the owner), so the wife asked me that as people came up individually,
to take their book and hand it to the author.
Well…another bookstore owner was there with one of her
employees and at the last minute, this employee decided she wanted to be next
to the author and do this job of mine, so without a second to think, she shoved
her way into my spot and took over.
Next thing you know I was crowded among the people and my
new job became “crowd control,” instead of the job I was invited to do. Rather than making a scene, I was willing to
be wronged and just managed the crowd.
Anyone ever had a bully personality just take over, an
ambitious one disregarding the surroundings by not asking any questions like
“who is in charge and/or should I do this without asking?”
Happens in this life.
How do you interpret things and/or handle like this in light
of being a child of God AND especially if the other person is a child of God
Things as such I’ve pondered throughout my lifetime and
definitely worked through with the counsel of God regarding relationships,
personalities, circumstances, and children of God whose minds and behaviors are
still not being renewed, and the like.
Christians, though saved, still are an assortment, eh?
I think one of the most important things I’ve learned in my
life is to first interpret ALL THINGS that have happened to me or happening to
me at present, by the Lord in my heart.
The Holy Spirit grants wisdom all the time, if we avail ourselves to Him
– His incredible presence dwelling in us.
The other most important thing is to NOT feed a lie.
The Devil’s workshop and his strategies include feeding lies
in our soul, where mind, will and emotions are.
So, when we experience something by circumstances and/or people that
have a negative effective on us, there is the temptation to feed a “rut” of
thinking, feelings/emotions imprinted in our soul from prior experiences that
are similar. Another way to put it is
that we develop messages in us that seem to want to rule – and if the message
is based on lies, wrong interpretations, habits, etc. then we live in a cycle. Therefore:
“…casting down arguments and
every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing
every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” II Cor. 10:5
In relationship and fellowship with the Lord as our
wonderful counselor and who dwells in us, He can and does delight in giving us
continual wisdom and understanding in ALL these things.
What happened may indeed have been a true wrong done to us
and hurt us (may still be happening), but the answer is to find the answer in
our Lord who again, grants wisdom and the knowledge of what to do with it. This is so no new lie is formed (a message
about ourselves, possibly others), or an old lie still lingering around in the
thought processes is not fed.
Make sense?
I truly think one of the overall struggles of believers,
children of God is that we:
Do not settle our past in our thinking from
wounds, lies, etc. and receive the soul healing with renewed thinking that God
is waiting to show and give us.
We do not CONTINUALLY fellowship with our Lord,
always pursuing HIS mind on all matters.
We do not move to “higher ground” so to speak,
to know ALL that we are and is found in Christ Jesus.
Now here’s a newsflash:
“We are all seated
with Christ in the heavenly places!” This
means we ALL have a place of honor with Him.
When we speak with our Lord, we are speaking with our Father, Jesus
Christ the King, the Lord, our Brother, and our Best Friend.
There are countless other children of God seated there
too. But our personal, intimate
relationship with the Lord by and through the indwelling Holy Spirit is like we
are God’s only child. J
So…NO ONE is bullying you out of your place.
Sue Gaither
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