Sue With Deer

Sue With Deer
"As the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants after You."

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Christ in You, A Heavenly Reminder

Isn’t it amazing that the ONE who dwells in us by the Spirit, Christ Himself, not only MET all the requirements of righteousness and holiness, but continues to MEET all those requirements?
His desire is for us not to contemplate ourselves, but HIM WHO is always faithful in us and through us.

I read something yesterday that tickled me pink.  It was from a brother in Christ, Brian who made this statement:  “It’s not about our trying to be like Jesus, but about Christ being Himself in us.”

Don’t you like that?

It is sort of like inviting someone into your home and their being nervous nellies, because they don’t know how to act around you – or they try to act like something they are really not, all because they feel inferior.  So..they end up fumbling all over the place and no one ends up being joyful.

Christ came to live in us.  He is HIMSELF ALL the time.  Just because we’re nervous nellies doesn’t mean He is, because He is not nervous living in you and me.

Instead, He goes to work in us to show us that by resting and abiding in Him, He will be faithful to be His true self THROUGH us. 

We are told in Colossians to “put on the NEW SELF who has been created in the image of HIM” AND He created this new self in the first place.  He, Jesus Christ, is the FIRSTBORN over ALL the NEW CREATION.

Oh, this wonderful Lord understands all these problems on this planet – especially the problems that are in the head/the mind through lies and misunderstandings of His glorious WORD of LIFE and TRUTH.

As vessels, people can look at us “cockeye” when we are trying to explain this, but the print out still comes out in ALL its simplicity which is:

“Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Sometimes all we need is assurance that HE’s there.  Kind of like a lady feeling her stomach when she’s pregnant, to make sure she’s still got a baby in there!

Well the Holy Spirit in us BEARS witness to our spirits that “I’m there – not leaving, you’re mine!”

Ya’ll this is not rocket scientist stuff.  J  Instead it’s Bible.  We are called to Him, who not only wants to save us to the uttermost, BUT it was all His idea in the first place to give His Son and to save us.

We had absolutely nothing to do with HIS PLAN!

Many times, all I really need, is to be continually reminded of the Truth – refreshed daily in the fact that Christ is in me.  That He is working in me both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

Now I may be attacked at times, and I certainly am by the unseen principalities and powers in the invisible, whose job is to make us believe some stupid lie either in the moment or for a little while.
But we’ve been given His Word AND the Spirit of God within to keep us in the midst, the center of His Truth and Word – to empower, strengthen, see us through, give us great endurance, WISDOM when we can’t see through the fog of the trial – He is there to be ALL and in us ALL.

This is exactly what Paul, the Apostle called by the Lord preached and it’s what I myself am staying with until the end.

Fellowship and communion with God because of Jesus, His cross, His resurrection, His everlasting blood is what it’s all about.    And we need to continually speak these things to one another.

“So Lord, we all come to your throne today to talk with You, share with You and You with us.  After all you said it: ‘Behold I stand at the door (of your heart) and knock – if any man HEARS my voice and will open the door, I will come in and dine with him and he with me.’ "

Oh what a salvation is this:  To know Jesus Christ the Living One!  And as we are truly knowing Him, we won’t have a problem making Him known.

Sue Gaither

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