One of the
greatest discoveries for my life personally, is to have realized how subtle
flesh really does like to “work” in regard to God and all the spiritual
realities concerning Him.
When I sort
through all the things I’ve heard in my life and then put it alongside the fact
I was not experiencing a true rest (as promised in Hebrews 4), it causes you to
“look again,” and “look again!”
This sorting
has to do with “listening again” to things I had heard and weighing them against
the true Word of God. For example,
something so simple as “For by grace
through faith you are saved, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,
not of works, lest any man should boast.”
Ephesians 2:8,9.
God’s Spirit
does compare “spiritual with spiritual,” as found in I Corinthians 2 – and
teaches with wisdom certainly not of this world. He pulls back the curtain further on the
Stage of Truth, until we can see the full picture of what God truly has
accomplished in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
continual faith in His Son, “brought to us by grace alone,” we start to fall
into methods, modes, and teachings that if not carefully discerned, get us into
that cycle of fleshly striving.
When I
examine my life, I can honestly say that whatever fruitfulness is there – and
that I can “see” working out through me, I KNOW it has been the Lord’s work of
His grace, His Spirit, and Word. All our
thinking, our thoughts, our strength, our peace, our understanding, our
constant hope is coming from the Lord Who lives within us.
So to witness
His working in us is only to wet our appetites for the full stature of Christ
being formed within our hearts. This is
what God’s Word tell us: “Conformed to the image of His Son.”
There are
Scriptures that are written as imperatives that say, “Do…” But to me, it’s
after we carefully seen that are “doing” is still rooted in faith in the Son of
God day by day, then it takes on a whole different meaning for our lives.
The children
of Israel “moved” towards the land God had promised. But their “moving” (those who were of faith),
did so because of the promise of God – not through their own ideas or because
they decided to be a nation on their own.
The ones who
didn’t “move,” were in unbelief. Every
day we can “move” in God, because of the Promise to express the life of His Son
in us. We pray because we want to “see”
and “hear” God’s will in matters. Then
we believe that He shows us, then we “move!”
Praise the
Lord, God is not lazy and He is very practical too. I found myself yesterday not “feeling” much
of anything. But it was God’s Spirit who
reminded me that I could “move” in faith about everything. God says that we can even “love with faith.” Sometimes we might need a little push from
our brothers or sisters through prayer and exhortation of truth. Part of God’s constant exhortation is to
believe His Word.
Grace and
faith go together always – from when we first believed until we see the face of
More and more the Lord wants to me of AND show me (and us) more deeply, the blood of Jesus Christ and our sins and how powerful His blood truly is to wash them away. Years ago, I met a precious lady who had polio
and lived 17 years in an iron lung before she went to be with the Lord. I was only 9 years old when I met, her but
she impacted me. I used to visit her and
was in awe that someone had wired her television backwards so that when she
look in her mirror she saw it correctly.
Anyone else saw it backwards.
(She was a big baseball sports fan!)
Well that’s
a picture to me what the Holy Spirit has to do with our minds when it comes to
His Word. All through life we may get
some of His truths “wired backwards,” and it takes Him to unravel these things
so we can “see” His Word correctly.
When He does, we jump for joy. Why? Because He says this:
"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost." Romans 15:13
This is awesome!
Until next time,
When He does, we jump for joy. Why? Because He says this:
"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost." Romans 15:13
This is awesome!
Until next time,
Sue Gaither
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