Sue With Deer

Sue With Deer
"As the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants after You."

Friday, April 1, 2016

Your New Self

…you have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.  (Colossians 3:10 NIV)

I would hope the purpose of writing devotions, reading books from other saints, etc. serves to help us be stirred up in Truth – either to confirm what God is teaching us and/or also introduce thoughts that correct our thinking, etc.  In other words, to keep pointing at Jesus Christ and the awesome salvation God has provided through Him.

For me, I definitely had to (still do) read, study, pray through teachings and other things, sift and sort and trust God to lead me into ALL Truth guided by His wonderful Holy Spirit.  Below are things I praise God for showing me and yet He is deepening in my heart and mind.  Recently someone shared an author with us that has really blessed us.  When I started reading his works, I was jumping up and down with glee because I said, “Wow, Lord you have taught me some of those same things and this is such marvelous confirmation.”  By the way, his name is Andrew Farley – and one of those books is “Relaxing With God.”

Actually, this is what the Holy Spirit does in all of us.  Paul wrote that we were to say the same things, mind the same things, and know the same things.  There is no variation to Truth.  The Spirit of God has truly been sent into our hearts to reach us, show us, teach us, woo us, convince us, establish us, and settle us in the reality of Jesus Christ. 

We need each other to speak the TRUTH in LOVE!  

 Here  are some of the things that mean so much to my heart as He continues to strengthen His Truth in my own life.  If you want, copy and paste just that part and review what God’s Word says about it:
1)   When Jesus Christ came to live in my heart, my heart was made NEWWe are new creatures.  My/our sins – all of them - are forgiven forever – there is NOTHING between me and God.  We have peace with HIM through the blood of His cross.

2)      My spirit is brand new – my soul needs renewing (where my mind is).  I am examining thoughts, old tapes, old teachings, even present thoughts that try to come at me, as to whether they are of God or the flesh, sin, the world and the devil.  But that does not have to be burdensome.

3)      My body is mortal.  It will put on immortality one day.  This is part of God’s salvation.  My spirit and soul now are eternal with the indwelling forever Holy Spirit in me – He is LIFE and PEACE ALL the time.  Romans 7 speaks of the sin principle still in the members of the body (NOT my spirit).  This is why I can be tempted even as a Christian.

 Picture a splinter in your finger.  A splinter is just in your flesh, but does not make you wood.  You are not the splinter.  But when I sinned or sin, I did NOT nor do not lose my salvation or eternal life.  This is BECAUSE of JESUS’ incredible work of Calvary.  His life cannot be lost, because salvation is based on HIM.  He has endless life and His SACRIFICE was once for all.  Therefore salvation is of Him, not me!   And we have HIM! (Hebrews and Romans 7)

4)      Romans 6 tells us to simply RECKON myself dead to SIN (the splinter) and its power and ALIVE to JESUS CHRIST in GOD.  Therefore, the Spirit of LIFE in me through the indwelling Holy Spirit is ALWAYS my hope for fruit, works, goodness and all that Christ is in me.  Jesus Christ is BIGGER than Mr. Sin.  We do not have to struggle with sin, which is flesh, but always turn to JESUS in us, if we have invited Him in and He lives there!  Flesh, human effort cannot handle anger, wrath, lust, habits, any sin, etc. by human will – praise the Lord the power of Christ lives in us – so we by faith agree with God and do what He said – reckon ourselves dead and alive to HIM!

5)      I am a NEW SELF in Christ JESUS.  I do not have TWO SELVES.  The old man was crucified with Christ and raised up as a new self in Christ Jesus.  I am in UNION with His Spirit and we live together, walk together, and talk together.  I am constantly LEARNING from HIM all the things that are true – growing in grace and in the KNOWLEDGE of HIM.  I am not an improving OLD SELF – he is dead – but a NEW CREATION in CHRIST JESUS HIMSELF!  Jesus likes you.

6)      He told Paul to write that ALL the commandments and ordinances of following LAW were NAILED to HIS cross. (Colossians)  Following creeds and the law not only do not make me righteous as Christians know and believe, but AFTER receiving Christ, following creeds and commandments do NOT make me fruitful either (what we call sanctification).  We are called to BELVIEVE and live by the LIFE of Jesus Christ dwelling in us – the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. This is a hard one for Christians – we still think a system of some kind is how we bear fruit – not so.  It is the LIFE of Christ within.  The instructions of the New Testament Epistles are what God is doing in us, to conform us to the image of His Son. Grace and Christ in me teach us to deny ungodly lusts.

7)   If I return to the Law and/or law based living or some system I make up (self-imposed religion), I will activate sin in me – the strength of sin is in the Law as it is written.  If I count myself DEAD to sin, the Law, the world and ALIVE to JESUS – I WILL see Him produce sweet things in me, because it is His life!  I live by faith ALWAYS, daily, all the time in Him.  Galatians 2:20  Everything fights against letting go and trusting Jesus alone.  “As many as are led by the Spirit, these are the sons of God.” (Romans 8)
Jesus PLUS nothing – Jesus in ME – He alone is always the hope of Glory.  God is fully satisfied with HIM and His sacrifice.  He is pleased that we INVITED HIM to dwell in our heart.  He will NEVER LEAVE – but continue to show us the wondrous things of His finished work that is now working in us!

This is the crowning and glorious Gospel message of the Scriptures in this age of grace and the New Testament.  From beginning of Genesis until now, we can see God’s story of His Son being revealed.  God is calling us to KNOW JESUS living in us and the wonder of His resurrection Life.  

Faith is looking at Jesus Christ HIMSELF all the time and seeing Him smile.

The devil fights against truth, because truth sets people free.  Religion and flesh striving gives man glory – the Gospel and our living faith in Him, gives Christ glory.

Sue Gaither

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