Sue With Deer

Sue With Deer
"As the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants after You."

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Human Brain and Renewal of the Mind

When we “believe” anything of our own making instead of asking God to show us the pure truth of His Word, we experience the harvest of all those things at some point in our lives.  And we daily experience what we are “believing” and thinking.

I made the word “believe” in quotations, but I am really speaking of unbelief or false thinking a/k/a lies.  Last devotion I wrote about thinking upon the words of God concerning receiving the “engrafted Word” which is able to save your souls.

Yesterday I heard a powerful teaching from a brain research doctor who is a Christian and has been for many years.  God dropped in her heart those many years ago, a desire to study the human brain.  Through her research she found the wondrous workings of this organ but more importantly, that the brain functions according to the spirit of a person.

In other words she states from a scientific fact that the brain functions and is shaped according to thoughts and is directly linked to thinking – the mind of the spirit.

Now we all know that a spirit of a person can be dead in trespasses and sins. (Ephesians 2:1, 2). We also all know that the brain can have aptitude, intelligence levels, and that a person can be educated.  The brain though by itself, cannot give a person pure motives or true love, which this comes only from God.  Therefore with all the advancements of technologies, etc., a person can still be overtaken by greed and selfishness because of sin, no matter how highly intelligent they are.

This then, makes every human being subject to problems of how the brain ultimately is shaped – for if the spirit of a person is not rooted and grounded in Christ and is knowing Him and His Word, their end is definitely still, eternal death.  Even the child of God can be born again but have an unrenewed mind, ultimately suffering in ways God never intended, because of not understanding His Words of Life nor being willing to let God be the True Teacher in all things.

So for the Christian – the child of God, this is where I find her research a most fascinating reality.  And it is truly something I have been working on all my life, without this present knowledge of scientific collaboration.  By the way this doctor says that the brain can change according to the renewal of the mind.   It has been scientifically proven that the brain structure does change when a person thinks differently.

If “indents” were made because of repeated thinking in a certain way, resulting in negative reactions to the human body, she states that through God’s Word, renewal to Truth and the Holy Spirit, that even the brain structure changes in accordance with this true thinking, therefore affecting the human body in positive ways.

It makes me think that God knew all about this before man made the microscope. (Even this came from Him).  For in Proverbs God had Solomon pen, “As a man thinks, so is he.”

It all goes back to the Gift of God He has given us when we received Christ Jesus as our Savior and Lord.  This gift is none other than the Holy Spirit Himself who was sent by the Father to lead and guide us into ALL Truth. He alone is the agent who brings this renewal of mind and spirit to all of our thinking and ways.

It is through Him we will find the true knowledge of the Son of God, communion and true fellowship as we believe that Christ has paid the price through His cross and blood for us to do so.

Even John the Beloved Apostle penned by God, “And truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Fellowship and speaking with God continually, humbling receiving His Word of Life and Truth as taught by His Spirit in us (through our dependence on Him), is definitely the true way to a genuinely renewed mind resulting in LIFE and PEACE, even to the human body.

As Paul the Apostle penned in Hebrews, “Let us not neglect so great a salvation.”

Pressing on to a greater harvest,
Sue Gaither

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